Sustainability at Kettelhack
We take responsibility for ensuring that tomorrow’s generations also have a future worth living for. Working together for a “good tomorrow”: that is the mission we actively pursue – on all levels and in all areas of the company.
Sustainably new
Sustainability is not a state but a process! Steps both big and small count. Never get tired of questioning the old and initiating the new – at all levels and in all areas of the company.
→ All news
Talk: Credible sustainability communication
At the BVMW Münsterland marketing congress in early September 2022, our sustainability manager presented Kettelhack’s communication strategy on the topic…
Local group of visitors on a visit
On the occasion of Fair Week 2022, a small group of interested citizens of Rheine visited us in mid-September.
Living Wage Project
Kettelhack participates in the Partnership Project on the topic of living wages. Within the framework of a Living Wage Lab,…
About this report
This digital sustainability report meets the requirements of the EMAS Regulation and complies with the requirements of GRI 4 of the Global Reporting Initiative.
EMAS Environmental Statement
As a registered company in the EMAS register, we are obliged to publish an environmental statement. → Here are all the details from our current environmental statement.
Good Tomorrow: Sustainability at Kettelhack
Working together for a “good tomorrow”: This is our mission, and we are committed to it – at all levels and in all areas of the company.

Good Tomorrow: Sustainability at Kettelhack
Good Tomorrow stands for joint action for a sustainable future, without disregarding knowledge and experience from the past. We take responsibility for ensuring that tomorrow’s generations also have a future worth living for.
Family business in its fourth generation
As an independent family business, we are very familiar with long-term planning and responsible action. In doing so, we focus equally on the environmental performance of our company and on the quality of our products and processes.
“Nothing is more paralysing than an operational rush during a mental lull. Being mobile and proactive protects us from being overwhelmed by new developments.”
Jan Kettelhack, Owner and CEO
High-quality raw fabric from long-standing partners!
We buy about a third of our raw fabric from just next door: At a weaving mill that belonged to our company until 2011 and is only two rolling gates away. We source the rest from long-standing partners in Turkey or Pakistan.
Networking, exchanging knowledge, becoming active …
We are convinced: Only a joint initiative by all stakeholders in the textile value chain can lead to a holistic implementation of sustainability in the textile sector.

Fairtrade cotton
The independently controlled Fairtrade label stands for the support of small farmers and workers in the producing countries. In this way, Fairtrade aims to improve the lives of all people involved in the production of a Fairtrade-certified textile – from the cotton field to the clothes hanger.
Environmental management at Kettelhack
With our environmental management system in accordance with the European standard EMAS, we pursue a holistic approach to the topic of the environment!
Numbers, data, facts
Whether it’s energy consumption per machine hour or the balancing of waste volumes – key figures are indispensable for our
→ environmental management system.
- of which 98.3 % treated well water.
- of which 87 % gas and 13 % electricity
- thereof 0.6 % hazardous waste
Our fibre stars
Whether classic cotton, sustainable cellulose fibres from wood or recycled polyester – each fibre brings its own ecological advantages.
Not all chemistry is the same …
At Kettelhack, the selection and use of the necessary chemicals are carried out with special care and consideration of ecological standards.
CO2 Footprint – more than just a number
The carbon footprint adds an important component to other key figures: The environmental impact of factors only becomes clear through this consideration.
Contributing, participating, shaping!
Workplace health promotion
Apprenticeship at Kettelhack

Our 29 sustainability ambassadors are an important part of our sustainable corporate culture. From apprentices to management, employees from different company divisions are involved – and thus good multipliers for the topic of sustainability.
“Only satisfied employees put their heart and soul into their work. The key to this treasure: Trust, freedom – and long-term appreciation”
Thorsten Richter, Commercial Manager