Occu­pa­tio­nal health & safety

Both the pro­tec­tion and impro­ve­ment of health and safe­ty for all employees and the avoidance/minimisation of hazards and risks are top prio­ri­ties for us.

Both the pro­tec­tion and impro­ve­ment of health and safe­ty for all employees and the avoidance/minimisation of hazards and risks are top prio­ri­ties for us. We are, the­r­e­fo­re, plea­sed that our occu­pa­tio­nal health and safe­ty orga­ni­sa­ti­on was audi­ted last year in accordance with OEKO-TEX® STeP and rated at the hig­hest level.

One important core ele­ment in the manage­ment of occu­pa­tio­nal health and safe­ty is the Occu­pa­tio­nal Safe­ty Com­mit­tee (OSC) mee­tings. The safe­ty offi­cer, the plant engi­neer, a mem­ber of the works coun­cil, the per­son­nel manage­ment func­tion and pro­duc­tion manage­ment (who are also repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of manage­ment) take part in the regu­lar mee­tings. Tech­ni­cal sup­port comes from the com­pa­ny phy­si­ci­an and an engi­nee­ring office for safe­ty tech­no­lo­gy and occu­pa­tio­nal health and safe­ty. Tog­e­ther, pre­vious occu­pa­tio­nal acci­dents are ana­ly­sed and mea­su­res to impro­ve occu­pa­tio­nal safe­ty and health are dis­cus­sed. In addi­ti­on, the ISA regu­lar­ly issues noti­ces on key topics that we com­mu­ni­ca­te intern­al­ly. Our employees recei­ve safe­ty trai­ning at least once a year. Here, cur­rent topics or past acci­dents can always be dis­cus­sed in more detail.

Annu­al sum­ma­ry of occu­pa­tio­nal accidents

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Occu­pa­tio­nal acci­dents per year 6 2 3 2 2

Whe­ther it’s visu­al aids for the moni­tor or cus­to­mi­sed hea­ring pro­tec­tion – our exter­nal com­pa­ny phy­si­ci­an is on hand to offer advice and sup­port on many health issues. Every year, we also offer our staff the flu vaccination. 

Occu­pa­tio­nal health & safety
Pre­pared for emergencies:
First aiders
Fire safe­ty assistants

Work­place health promotion

Our work­place health pro­mo­ti­on pro­gram­me is geared to the needs of our employees. Befo­re we deve­lo­ped the first round of mea­su­res, the­re was a tar­ge­ted sur­vey of our employees. Sin­ce then, the­re have been various offers, which many have glad­ly accept­ed! The posi­ti­ve feed­back and the lively par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the mea­su­res moti­va­te us to stay on the ball!

Sum­ma­ry of mea­su­res to date

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the online lec­tu­re: Coping with visu­al stress in the workplace
Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in trai­ning cour­ses on eye rela­xa­ti­on and mobility

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts during the “moving” break


Body mea­su­re­ments car­ri­ed out


Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in various work­shops on the topic of nutrition


Par­ti­ci­pan­ts in the Tai Chi course


Ergo­no­mics consultations

Pre­vious slide
Next slide
Work­place health promotion

… of our employees would like to do some­thing for their health.


… of our employees are satis­fied (or very satis­fied) with the mea­su­res for work­place health promotion

Fur­ther artic­les on the topic

Development of water consumption in m3

The high level of water consumption in production brings with it a corresponding volume of waste water. Compliance with the limit values from the Waste Water Ordinance is ensured by the indirect discharge permit. The daily control of the mixing and equalisation basin by our employees, as well as through the regular inspections by the responsible monitoring authorities, give us the necessary security. 

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