Sustainabilityin our corporate culture
Working together for a “good tomorrow”: Our sustainable corporate culture is an important cornerstone for our commitment to sustainability.
Sustainability management is not just about questioning the use of resources, technology and processes. It is also essential to involve and integrate the staff in the process. Here the key word is: Communication. Firstly, we keep our employees informed of new developments via the Intranet, display cabinets and information screens. We explain, substantiate, consolidate. Since you can only internalise what you have understood. Secondly, we motivate our workforce to address the topic through internal training sessions, where they can suggest their own ideas and projects. Just like with our “Sustainability Ambassador” format.
Jessica Burwin, Sustainability Manager at Kettelhack
“For the first time, I realised how dire things already are for our planet.
Since I’m a sustainability ambassador, I am much more conscious of resources. Not only at work, but also at home. For example, I assessed and refitted my entire house for energy-saving potential.”
Andreas Gliese, product refiner and sustainability ambassador
Our sustainability ambassadors
29 men and women from all divisions have completed our sustainability ambassador training programme. Theory and practice are closely interwoven in the workshop.
Across seven modules the employees tackle a range of topics, from generational equity and consumption, to climate policy. Discussing, testing, internalising and finally developing own ideas – specific tasks also ought to be suggested: How easy or difficult is it to leave the car at home for a whole week, or take meat and sausage off the menu? One special highlight is the joint excursions: With the participants of the first workshop in 2017, we went to the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven. In 2018, the group took part in a consumption-critical city tour and visited the local repair café and the consumer advice centre. Nice side effect: Through such joint actions, interdepartmental networks have been formed. This is because the workshop groups are always well-mixed: From apprentices to management representatives, employees from different company divisions are present.
“Above all, the sustainability ambassador training programme taught me how you can change for good — even with little effort.”
Ferit Sabahoglu, Goods Controller and Sustainability Ambassador
No ordinary working day – on the lookout for local pointers on the topic of sustainability.
Together with our sustainability manager Jessica Burwin, a group of sustainability ambassadors went on a local search for clues about sustainability in Rheine. Stations of this consumption-critical city tour included various local initiatives and organisations, such as the consumer advice centre or the Repair Café of Caritas Rheine.
“The bicycle – an environmentally friendly vehicle with health-promoting mechanics”.
Manfred Hinrich, Philosopher and Aphorist
Environmentally friendly mobility and promoting the health of our employees at the same time – that is the goal of our various bicycle-related campaigns. The area around Münsterland and the district of Steinfurt is a true cyclist’s paradise. For this reason, the bicycle is a good alternative to the car for many of our employees, and not only in summer.
We have been participating in the STADTRADELN campaign since 2017. STADTRADELN is a competition in which the aim is to cycle as many everyday journeys as possible in a climate-friendly way for 21 days. The annual campaign is organised by Climate Alliance, a network of European municipalities.
Since 2017, we have made it possible for our employees to finance high-quality bicycles. To this end, we work together with BUSINESS BIKE leasing and local dealers. In 2021, 26 employees took advantage of the offer and leased a total of 37 bicycles. The first leasing contracts have already expired, resulting in a total of 82 leased bicycles for 46 employees over the entire campaign period. For example, e‑bikes were purchased through the programme, which some employees use for their commute to work, especially in the summer months.
STADTRADELN result 2022:
In the Rheine city ranking, the Kettelhack team has reached 48th place out of 166 teams for 2022.
Our sheltered and illuminated bike stand has e‑bike-friendly bike bars to lock the bikes safely and conveniently.
Further articles on the topic
Our Kettelhack Team
Our greatest asset: It’s not only first-class products and decades of expertise.
Sustainability in our corporate culture
Working together for a “good tomorrow”: Our sustainable corporate culture is an important cornerstone …