Top qua­li­ty
Edu­ca­ti­on and training

It takes more than know­ledge and skill to deli­ver top per­for­mance, exploit poten­ti­al and deve­lop crea­ti­ve solu­ti­ons. We want to sow enthu­si­asm, plant trust and cul­ti­va­te free space.

We sup­port our employees in their trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on – becau­se it has also beco­me noti­ce­ab­ly more dif­fi­cult to recruit skil­led workers and trai­nees in the tex­ti­le indus­try in recent years. At Ket­tel­hack, we take the task of crea­ting an atmo­sphe­re in which employees feel com­for­ta­ble and can deve­lop, all the more serious­ly. We are plea­sed that we have been able to bring such com­mit­ted and enthu­si­a­stic juni­or staff on board in recent years!

Over­view of our voca­tio­nal trai­ning measures

The­re were more than 100 trai­ning ses­si­ons bet­ween the 2017/2018 and the 2019/2020 finan­cial years. In addi­ti­on to many tech­ni­cal trai­ning mea­su­res, trai­ning was also pro­vi­ded on the topics of sus­taina­bi­li­ty, occu­pa­tio­nal health & safe­ty and employee representation/works coun­cil work.

Edu­ca­ti­on and training

App­ren­ti­ce­ship at Kettelhack

Pro­mo­ting young talent is important to us. Even in the tex­ti­le indus­try it has beco­me noti­ce­ab­ly more dif­fi­cult in recent years to recruit spe­cia­lists and app­ren­ti­ces. So it’s all more important for Ket­tel­hack to crea­te an atmo­sphe­re in which employees feel com­for­ta­ble, whe­re they can develop.

Our app­ren­ti­ces gain a com­pre­hen­si­ve insight into the com­pa­ny and their pro­fes­si­on. The pro­fes­si­ons in which we train are as diver­se as our com­pa­ny. Our app­ren­ti­ces beco­me pro­duct finis­hers spe­cia­li­sing in tex­ti­les, tex­ti­le labo­ra­to­ry assistants, mecha­tro­nics tech­ni­ci­ans, indus­tri­al clerks or warehouse logi­stics spe­cia­lists. High­ly-qua­li­fied trai­ning, clo­se super­vi­si­on by the trai­ners and col­le­agues and the tar­ge­ted pro­mo­ti­on of young talent are important ingre­di­ents in our reci­pe for suc­cess. The result is some­thing to be proud of!

Our app­ren­ti­ces from the Tech. Ser­vice and Admi­nis­tra­ti­on depart­ments have suc­cessful­ly trai­ned as app­ren­ti­ce­ship ambassa­dors.

The trai­ning ambassa­dors visit secon­da­ry schools in the regi­on to give pupils in their final year of upper secon­da­ry school an insight into working life and crea­te prospects.

Pro­mo­ting young talent

Sin­ce 2017


young peo­p­le have been com­ple­ting their app­ren­ti­ce­ship with us!

Mar­ti­na Pach – Busi­ness administrator

Fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on to beco­me a busi­ness eco­no­mist for Human Resour­ces Manage­ment 2023!

Mar­ti­na Pach has spent the last 3.5 years stu­dy­ing busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on along­side her job, spe­cia­li­sing in the field of HR management.

“Even during my trai­ning as an office manage­ment assistant, I rea­li­sed that I was par­ti­cu­lar­ly fasci­na­ted by the field of human resour­ces. Ket­tel­hack then gave me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spe­cia­li­se in this area. As part of my pro­ject work, I car­ri­ed out an inter­nal sur­vey on employee satis­fac­tion, from which three key figu­res were derived.”

Akhtar Elham – Warehouse Clerk

App­ren­ti­ce­ship in the new place to call home.

When Akhtar Elham fled from Afgha­ni­stan to Ger­ma­ny in 2016, he did not know a word of Ger­man. The big­gest hurd­le was fin­ding an app­ren­ti­ce­ship place. It was clear to him that this was the only way he could gain a foot­hold as a refu­gee and build a future for hims­elf in Ger­ma­ny. Akhtar then came to Ket­tel­hack just one year later through a con­ver­sa­ti­on with one of our trai­nees at our stand at the trai­ning fair in Rhei­ne. A one-year ent­ry-level qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on in the pro­fes­sio­nal disci­pli­ne of finis­hing got the ball rol­ling for him. We took care of Ger­man cour­ses so that he could fol­low the les­sons at the voca­tio­nal school bet­ter. A team of dif­fe­rent staff mem­bers kept in touch with the school and the aut­ho­ri­ties, work­ed through the rules of the law on recei­ving for­eign natio­nals and hand­ling their resi­dence, so that the resi­dence per­mit could be exten­ded at regu­lar inter­vals. Mean­while, Akhtar dis­co­ver­ed his inte­rest in logi­stics. Wit­hout fur­ther ado, we deci­ded to offer him trai­ning as a warehouse logi­stics spe­cia­list. The best decis­i­on for ever­yo­ne – through a clo­se-knit pro­cess of exch­an­ge in the depart­ment and his inte­gra­ti­on into a small-sca­le team, not only did his lan­guage skills grow very quick­ly, but also his self-con­fi­dence. We are plea­sed that, in Akhtar, we were able to gain an employee who con­sci­en­tious­ly takes on his tasks and has beco­me a part of our Ket­tel­hack team with a gre­at sen­se of commitment.

Nico Trin­deit­mar – Pro­duct Finis­her, Textiles

Fur­ther edu­ca­ti­on to beco­me a mas­ter craft­sman in the tex­ti­le indus­try 2024!

“Basi­cal­ly, my moti­va­ti­on was to learn new things in rela­ti­on to the pro­duc­tion and finishing/colouring of tex­ti­le fabrics. My inte­rests have always been in the natu­ral sci­en­ces and the tech­ni­cal uti­li­sa­ti­on of natu­ral laws. I also wan­ted to deve­lop per­so­nal­ly. To gain more insight into the company’s pro­ces­ses and actively help shape the future.”

Fur­ther artic­les on the topic

Development of water consumption in m3

The high level of water consumption in production brings with it a corresponding volume of waste water. Compliance with the limit values from the Waste Water Ordinance is ensured by the indirect discharge permit. The daily control of the mixing and equalisation basin by our employees, as well as through the regular inspections by the responsible monitoring authorities, give us the necessary security. 

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