Start of a STEM-part­ner­ship with 2 local schools

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In Decem­ber 2021, Ket­tel­hack star­ted a STEM-part­ner­ship with 2 local secon­da­ry schools. STEM stands for sci­ence, tech­no­lo­gy, engi­nee­ring and mathe­ma­tics. As part of this part­ner­ship, the com­pa­ny is working with the schools to crea­te joint con­cepts for pro­mo­ting the next gene­ra­ti­on of sci­en­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal juni­or employees in the local area.

Pupils are to gain insights into various are­as of the com­pa­ny and thus learn about dif­fe­rent pro­fes­si­ons in a prac­ti­cal way. This makes it easier for stu­dents to choo­se their future app­ren­ti­ce­ship occu­pa­ti­on and estab­lishes initi­al cont­act with the poten­ti­al trai­ning com­pa­ny direct­ly. The added value of a STEM part­ner­ship is clo­ser, bin­ding and, abo­ve all, sus­tainable net­wor­king bet­ween busi­ness and schools in the local area. 

We look for­word to working together!

Pho­to: Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the STEM-part­ner­ship cer­ti­fi­ca­te. F.l.t.r. Lin­da Wie­chers (zdi Stein­furt), Mech­tild Sit­te-West­rick (Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt Schu­le), Ste­fa­nie Wind­hoff and­Jo­an Ket­tel­hack (Hch. Ket­tel­hack GmbH & Co. KG), San­dra Mat­zel­le and Vik­to­ria Her­zog (Nel­son-Man­de­la-Schu­le).

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