4.356 kilo­me­t­res during STADTRADELN 2022

Verwandte Themen 

The Ket­tel­hack team of 16 par­ti­ci­pan­ts cycled 4,356 kilo­me­t­res in the 21 days of action. This put our team in 48th place in the over­all ran­king of the city of Rheine!

Verwandte Artikel

Living Wage Project

Ket­tel­hack par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the Part­ner­ship Pro­ject on the topic of living wages. Within the frame­work of a Living Wage Lab, the participating …

Development of water consumption in m3

The high level of water consumption in production brings with it a corresponding volume of waste water. Compliance with the limit values from the Waste Water Ordinance is ensured by the indirect discharge permit. The daily control of the mixing and equalisation basin by our employees, as well as through the regular inspections by the responsible monitoring authorities, give us the necessary security. 

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